Dear Lord Jesus, You were the one Who said, “let the children come to me for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” I thank You for my children and the way that they are learning about You in their daily lives. I ask that in Your grace they may grow in wisdom and integrity and understand the importance of honesty and truth. Give me wisdom as I teach and train them so that they learn to make the right choices and to grow closer to You each day. Lord, You promised that if we bring up a child in the way they should go then when they are older they will not depart from it. Help me to lay a good, firm spiritual foundation based on correct scriptural principles in their lives. Give me wisdom as I correct them, and keep me from expecting behaviours from them that I do not fully comply with in my own life. Lord, I pray that they come to a true understanding of biblical standards and godly values, and that they learn to quickly acknowledge their faults while knowing that it is by Your grace that they are forgiven and by Your grace that they may grow to be more like the Lord Jesus. Guide them into truth, and I ask that they may come to know and love You more and more Whom to know is life eternal. Help them to develop truth in the inward parts and realise the importance of integrity and honesty in all they say and do. Lord, I give my children over to You and pray that You would equip me to furnish them with all they need to grow into godly men and women. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.