Thank You, Father, for sending Your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ to come to this earth and to be born into the human race, over two thousand years ago, so that by His death and resurrection we might be able to look to Him as our Redeemer. Lord, I believe.I believe that He took the […]
Read MoreI am awestruck, Loving God, that You humbled Yourself in order to bring hope and salvation. I worship You. Amen.
Read MoreThank You, Heavenly Father, that You opened my eyes to see the purpose for my existence and the importance of focusing foremost on the things of eternity. May I be faithful to share the message of salvation today with others who are yet in blindness. For Your glory, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Read MoreHeavenly Father, I believe that Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God came to earth to be the Saviour of the world, and that by His death on he cross, He paid the price for the sin of the world, so that whosoever believes on Him would not perish, but have everlasting life.Thank You […]
Read MoreHeavenly Father, thank You for opening my eyes to the truth of Salvation, that only the death of Jesus Christ on the cross, 2000 years ago, can pay the price for my sin. Thank You, that by believing in Him I am forgiven.Thank You, that He became the Sacrifice for my sin, so that by […]
Read MoreDear God, I believe that You sent Your only begotten Son Jesus Christ, to die on the cross, so that by believing in Him I can be forgiven of my sins, and be redeemed because His innocent blood was shed for me.I believe that it is only through His death on the cross and resurrection […]
Read MoreDear Father God, I know that there is nothing that I could do to merit my salvation or to gain Your forgiveness. Thank You, that You have offered me the free gift of salvation, simply by trusting in the Lord Jesus as my Saviour..Thank You, that Jesus chose to pay the full price for my […]
Read MoreLord Jesus, I confess that I am a sinner and in need of salvation. I believe that You came to earth to seek and to save people who are lost in their sins, and I believe that You died on the cross as the substitute for my sins.I believe that You took the punishment that […]
Read MoreThank You, Lord, for Your infinite wisdom and Your infinite grace, as demonstrated in the plan of salvation. Thank You for bringing me into communion with You through Your redemptive work. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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