Dear God, I am coming to ask You to provide me with the wife that I have longed for, for so many years, and pray that You would bring into my life a beautiful woman to be my bride, who radiates an inner beauty that comes from a heart that loves You with her whole […]
Read MoreDear Lord, I have come to recognise and accept that my heart’s desire is to serve You, from this day forward, with every part of my being, to present my body as a living sacrifice unto You for the rest of my life. Lord, I know that this is a big step to take and […]
Read MoreDear Lord God, I thank You for my life and for the way that You have led me thus far. Lord, the deepening desire in my heart is for a loving husband, a man of God with whom I can spend the rest of my life in a marriage union.I ask Lord, that You would […]
Read MoreHeavenly Father, You were the One who made us male and female and You were the One Who placed each one of us in our families. You knew us before we were even born, while we were being secretly formed in our mother’s womb.But Lord, there are many Christian men and women that long to […]
Read MoreHeavenly Lord, I am so blessed to be your child and I praise and thank You for always being there as my guard and guide, my defence and my defender. Thank You that I can turn to You no matter what happens, and even when I am completely alone, thank You that You are my […]
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