Dear God, I believe that Jesus was God incarnate, holy God Who became perfect Man. I believe that He died on the cross to pay the price for the sin of the world, and I believe that He died to forgive my sin. I believe that He rose again to break the power of sin […]
Read MoreHeavenly Lord and Gracious God, I want to thank You with all of my heart for the glorious plan that You purposed before the creation of the earth – that You would redeem sinful man by sending the eternal Son of God to become the prefect Son of Man, Who was willing to live a […]
Read MoreThank You, Heavenly Father, that we who trust in Christ as our Saviour have redemption through the blood of Christ Jesus our Lord and the forgiveness of all our sins, in accordance with the riches of Your grace.Lord, I have fallen so short of Your perfect standard. I know that I have no merit in […]
Read MoreHeavenly Father, I thank You that You sought me out and saved me by the mighty power of the blood of Jesus. Lord God, I have spent so many years pleasing myself and not paying attention to Your call on my life, and I realise that I have wasted so much precious time.Forgive me I […]
Read MoreDear God, I have sinned against You and against my fellow man in thought and word and deed. I have no right to approach You in and of myself, but I have been told that Jesus Christ is Your only begotten and eternal Son and that He humbled Himself becoming a real man, a perfect […]
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