Lord, how I wonder at Your love for me, in that while I was yet a sinner You sent the Lord Jesus Christ to die for my sins, so that in Him I might become Your child and be made the righteous of God. Father, it staggers the thoughts of my heart to realise that […]
Read MoreDear Lord, help us never to forget that the safest place in a fallen world is to remain in the center of Your will, no matter where we are, who we are with or what circumstances may seem to be looming on the horizon. I pray, that I may stay in the center of your […]
Read MoreO God, I thank Thee for a little insight into the boundless love of God. I thank Thee for the response in my own heart.I thank Thee for the love of others.Let my heart praise Thee, O God.Amen.
Read MoreThank You, Father, that You have made Yourself known to humanity through the Word of God. But forgive us Lord, for we are a rebellious and prideful race and yet You loved us so much that You sent Your only begotten Son to lay down His sinless life as the perfect sacrifice for our sin, […]
Read MoreIs it possible, O God, possible that you can love such as I?Yet I know it is true. If I allowed myself to doubt your love, all would be lost.Thank you, God, thank you for loving me. Help me never to betray such wonderful love.Amen.
Read MoreHeavenly Father, we live in a world where the security we once seemed to enjoy has been eroded right away and so many dark clouds of unknowing seem to be looming on the future’s unpredictable horizon. All that seemed to be so secure and reliable has turned to sawdust in our hands and evaporated like […]
Read MoreDear Heavenly Father, for most of my life I have tried to earn Your love and gain Your approval and whatever I tried to do, never made me feel that I had done enough. In fact, the more I tried to get You to love me, the more I found that I failed You miserably. […]
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