Heavenly Father, give me a deeper knowledge and understanding I pray, of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Way and the Truth and the Life, and Whom to know is life eternal.Father, You promised that in Christ we would know the truth and that the truth would set us free, and You also promised […]
Read MoreLord, I love You and want to know You more and more. I long that I may become increasingly intimate with You my God and Saviour.Give me a thirst for You with every passing day, and may I settle for nothing less than the very closest relationship with You as I press on to the […]
Read MoreFather, thank You for Your Word which is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path and thank You Father, for the Lord Jesus Christ, the living Word made flesh, Who has life in Himself and is the light of the world in Whom is no darkness at all.Lord, more than anything […]
Read MoreFather, I am not worthy to gather up the crumbs under Your table but You are a gracious God, whose nature is loving and merciful and in Your wisdom You have unveiled the building blocks of Your very character and revealed Yourself to us, within the pages of scripture.Thank You for Your incomparable grace, in […]
Read MoreDear Lord Jesus, I long to know You more and more and have a deep yearning in my soul to draw closer to You, Lord. I know so much about You, Your birth in Bethlehem, Your ministry to hurting and oppressed people, Your crucifixion, burial and resurrection and your present ministry, where You are seated […]
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