Dear God, I know that this life is no more than a tiny fraction of time in the vast sea of eternity, and yet I know that I have spent too long being involved in the here and now, without properly preparing my heart for my eternal home in heaven.Forgive me Lord, and help me to change the direction of my life and to start to live as unto You. Lord, I ask that You would help me to turn my life around, and that by Your grace You would direct my life and govern my future decisions.Thank You, Lord, that I am Your child, by grace through faith. Thank You, that I have been raised into newness of life with Christ. Guide my priorities and help me to set my sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ is seated in the place of honour at God’s right hand. Help me to set my mind on eternal things that are above, not on the temporal things of this earth, knowing that I have died with Christ, and my life is hidden with Christ in God.Thank You, Lord, that You are faithful to all Your children, even when we prove faithless in life. Thank You in Jesus’ name,Amen.