Dear Lord Jesus, thank You, that You are the One Who heals the broken hearted and sets the captives free. Thank You, that You are the one that knows every intimate detail about our lives, and Who sticks closer than a brother. Thank You, Lord, that You have promised never to leave us nor forsake us but desire to give all your children the peace that passes understanding, as we look to Jesus and secure our hearts upon Him. Thank You also, that You were the one that instituted marriage and ordained that a man should leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and that she in turn would honour and submit to her own husband under biblical principles. Lord, I confess that our marriage has become stale and the spark of love between us has become dim over time, so that we have become cool towards each other and careless towards You. Forgive us for allowing ourselves to slowly slide into this state of lukewarm love for each other and indifference towards You. And so I ask for healing in our marriage and a revival of the love that we once had for each other. Help us together to seek You, and to once again build up our relationship into a happy, harmonious unity where Jesus is returned to His rightful position in our lives. Father, I confess that because we have become careless in our relationship with You, our relationship with each other also suffered. Renew a right spirit within us both, and may we seek first the Lord Jesus and His righteousness, knowing that a marriage that is grounded in Him is the only way for a relationship to truly be blessed. We ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.