Let us offer praise and thanksgiving to the Most Holy Trinity, Who has shown us the Virgin Mary, clothed with the sun, the moon under her feet, and on her head a mystic crown of twelve stars. Forever and ever.
Let us give praise and thanks to the Eternal Father, Who chose her for His daughter.
Silently, pray the Our Father…
Praised be the Eternal Father, Who predestined her to be the Mother of His Divine Son. Amen
Hail Mary…
Praised be the Eternal Father, Who preserved her from all stain of sin in her conception.
Hail Mary…
Praised be the Eternal Father, Who adorned her at her birth with His most excellent gifts.
Hail Mary…
V. Praised be the Eternal Father, Who gave her Saint Joseph to be her companion and most pure spouse.
Hail Mary… Glory Be To The Father… V. Let us give praise and thanks to the Divine Son, Who chose her for His Mother. R. Amen.
Silently, pray the Our Father…
V. Praised be the Divine Son, Who became incarnate in her womb and there abode for nine months.
R. Amen.
Hail Mary…
V. Praised be the Divine Son, Who was born of her and was nourished at her breast.
R. Amen.
Hail Mary…
V. Praised be the Divine Son, Who in His childhood willed to be taught by her.
R. Amen.
Hail Mary…
V. Praised be the Divine Son, Who revealed to her the mystery of the Redemption of the world.
R. Amen.
Glory Be To The Father…
V. Let us give praise and thanks to the Holy Spirit, Who took her for His spouse.
R. Amen.
Silently, pray the Our Father…
V. Praised be the Holy Spirit, Who revealed first to her His Name of Holy Spirit.
R. Amen
Hail Mary…
V. Praised be the Holy Spirit, by Whose operation she was at once Virgin and Mother.
R. Amen
Hail Mary…
V. Praised be the Holy Spirit, by Whose power she was the living temple of the ever-blessed Trinity.
R. Amen
Hail Mary…
Praised be the Holy Spirit, by Whom she was exalted in Heaven above every living creature.
R. Amen
Hail Mary…
Glory Be To The Father…
Let us praise Mary, who hath done so much for our good, and let us say to her: God hail thee, Mary, Mother of Clemency, Comfortress of the Afflicted, Redemptress of Captives. Thou art the glory of Jerusalem, thou art the joy of Israel, thou art the honour of our people.
V. Remember thy congregation *, O Mary. R. Which belongs to thee from the beginning.
Let Us Pray
O God, Who by means of the Most Glorious Mother of Thy Divine Son, didst enrich the Church with a new religious family for the redemption of the faithful of Christ from pagan oppression, grant, we beseech Thee, that we may be freed from our sins and from the bondage of the devil by the merits and intercession of her whom we devoutly venerate as the foundress of so great a work.
R. Amen
Hail, Holy Queen…