Throughout the year, O Jesus,
thou dost remain humbly hidden within the tabernacle,
awaiting, receiving, and hearing the souls
who come to Thy feet in search of sympathy
and consolation in their sorrows,
light and support in the trials of life.
Only on this day,
leaving Thy silent loneliness,
Thou goest forth,
passing in triumph and benediction
through the streets and squares of the cities
in a maze of lights and music,
incense and flowers,
in the midst of joyous multitudes,
who fall down in adoration before Thee.
In the synagogue of Capharnaum,
the unbelieving throng,
rebelling against Thy words of faith and love, deserted
but in the Upper Room that last evening of Thine earthly
when the dark clouds of betrayal
were already settling upon Thy sorrowful soul,
Thou didst make Thy divine promise a reality,
perpetuating in the institution of the Holy Eucharist,
as in a living memorial,
the infinite love with which Thy Heart
was overflowing towards mankind.
By means of this august Sacrament,
Thou wouldst prolong Thy presence in the world
even to the end of time;
and the souls of men,
seated at Thy heavenly banquet,
were to taste inwardly the sweet irradiations of Thy grace
and the ineffable delights of Thy love.
O Jesus, make me feel the overwhelming attraction of Thy
silent tabernacle,
which has ever drawn not only the little ones,
but has always been and will continue to be
the joy of pure and great souls.
Grant me a living faith and an ardent love
for Thee hidden under the sacramental species,
so that, frequently drawing near to Thy table
where the “Bread of Life” is set out,
I may receive the germ of a life that will not die.