I give Thee thanks, O holy Lord, Father Almighty, Eternal God, Who nourish me, a sinner, and Thine unworthy servant, with the precious Body and Blood of Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. I had no merits, no deserts which I could put forward in my own behalf. But let not this holy Communion, I pray Thee, turn to my judgment and condemnation: let it rather obtain for me pardon and salvation. Let it cleanse me from all my vices; let it destroy all my concupiscenses and evil desires. Let it increase my charity, my patience, my humility, my obedience. Let it defend me from all my enemies, visible and invisible. Let it appease all the evil propensities of my mind and body; and guide me so straight to Thee, my true and only God, that I may look forward to Thee as the happy goal of all my endeavours. Thus lead me, I pray Thee, to that unspeakable festival, when Thou, and Thy Son, and the Holy Ghost, will be to me and all the Saints, the complete fulness, the end of hope, the everlasting joy, and the never-changing happiness: through the same Jesus Christ our Lord.