What a prospect, indeed! Thank You, Father, for the eternal victory of Jesus Christ. I worship You now and long for that day of completion. Amen.
Read MoreNot in ourselves Lord, but in the power of the Lord Jesus Christ we praise Your name, for by His death and resurrection He has broken the power of sin and death, and gained the greatest spiritual victory over principalities and powers, which will finally reach its ultimate conclusion when the last enemy, death, is […]
Read MoreDear Lord Jesus, I do thank You for the family into which You have been pleased to place me. I thank You for each member of my family, every one a precious life in Your sight, each one such a joy to me. Father, it seems that every one of us needs Your guidance in […]
Read MoreHeavenly Father, what a privilege and joy it is to have the freedom in Christ to draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy to find help in time of need. Father, as the days get darker and the wickedness of the world seems to be filling up to its brim […]
Read MoreDear Lord Jesus, I thank You for the gifts, graces and talents that You have given me and for the love and encouragement that I have received from my family, friends and my brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank You that I am Your child and that I am born again, in Christ, and a […]
Read MoreHeavenly Father, I ask You to raise up a great army of praying men and women, prayer warriors, who will seek your face day and night to discover how to pray into Your will and for whom to pray. Raise up a mighty army of prayer volunteers, who will give their lives to seek Your […]
Read MoreHeavenly Father, I ask for the spirit of wisdom and revelation that You are pleased to give generously to all Your children, who come to you seeking Your face with all their hearts. Strengthen me in the inner man, and give me the grace and vision to be a participant in the furthering of Your […]
Read MoreThank You, Father, that You know the plans that You have for me, plans for good and not for evil, and so I come to You today and pray that You would direct and govern the path that lies ahead, and show me the way that is best for me. Lord, at times I feel […]
Read MoreFather how I thank You that my citizenship is in heaven, from which I also eagerly wait for the return of my Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ Help me never to lose the excited anticipation I have when I consider the joy of Your soon return to take Your Body, (the Church), home to be […]
Read MoreDear Lord Jesus, how I praise and thank You for each of my children and I pray that You would give me the wisdom and grace to bring them up in the fear and nurture of the Lord Jesus. May each one come to a full and free salvation in Jesus as their Saviour, and […]
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