  • A.M.E - African Methodist Episcopal Church
  • A.M.E. Zion - African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
  • American Baptist Church
  • Anglican Church
  • AOG - Assemblies of God Church
  • AVC Church
  • Baptist - American Baptist Church
  • Baptist - Free Will Baptist Church
  • Baptist Church
  • Baptist Church - Others
  • Baptist Church - Southern Baptist Church
  • Bible Church
  • Catholic
  • Catholic Church
  • CE Church
  • Christian & Mission Alliance Church
  • Christian Church/DOC
  • Christian Methodist Episcopal Church/CME
  • Christian Reformed/CRC Church
  • Church of God in Christ
  • Church of God/Anderson
  • Church of God/Cleveland
  • CMA Church
  • CME Church
  • COC Church
  • COG-ANN Church
  • COG-TENN Church
  • COGIC Church
  • Congregational Church
  • CRC Church
  • DOC Church
  • EFC Church
  • ELCA Church
  • Episcopal Church
  • Evangelical Free Church
  • FS Church
  • FWB Church
  • ICCC Church
  • Inter Denominational Church
  • JF Church
  • Lutheran Church
  • Lutheran/ELCA Church
  • Lutheran/LCMS Church
  • Mennonite Church
  • Methodist Church
  • Nazarene Church
  • Non Denominational Church
  • Orthodox Church
  • Other
  • Pentecostal Church
  • Presbyterian Church
  • RCA Church
  • SA Church
  • SBC Church
  • UCC Church
  • UCCan Church
  • United Methodist Church
  • Uniting Church
  • WELS Church
  • Wesleyan Church


17 June

Loving Father, I come to You to pray that You would help me to give up smoking. Father, in my heart I feel that I am not being a good witness to those around me, and although I know that there is no sin in smoking, nevertheless my heart desires to quit this habit, in […]

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17 June

O God, be gracious to me and bless me and make the light of Your face shine on me and draw me back into Your loving arms. Lord, I have wandered far from You, and have been chasing after the things that are of little importance. In so doing I have left my First Love. […]

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17 June

Forgive me Father God, I have realised that I have become so engrossed in my own affairs and interests that I have wandered far away from You and my life seems to be pretty meaningless.Thank You, Lord, that in Your grace You have sustained me thus far, but I know Father that I need to […]

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17 June

Dear God, You are the giver of life and health and You are the healer of the sick and the suffering. I pray for a dear friend who is in distress with ill-health today, and pray that You would help them to come to a full recovery and restore them to wholeness, health and strength. […]

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17 June

Thank You, Heavenly Father, that we who trust in Christ as our Saviour have redemption through the blood of Christ Jesus our Lord and the forgiveness of all our sins, in accordance with the riches of Your grace.Lord, I have fallen so short of Your perfect standard. I know that I have no merit in […]

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17 June

Dear God, we cry to You to send rains to the parched lands of Texas. Lord, the rains have been withheld and our fields are becoming like a dust bowl and Lord. there is not a single cloud in the sky. And yet, You are God and You are the one who poured out rain […]

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17 June

Lord, what a mess we have both caused in our relationship and though we are both to blame in one way or another, between us we have walked away from a special relationship that we both felt was brought about by Your grace. Please Lord, visit my boyfriend and me. We are both miserable and […]

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17 June

Loving Father, I come to You knowing that You are a God Who hears and answers prayers. I ask Lord, that You would visit each member of our family, which has become so disunited and critical of each other, and restore the joy of Your salvation in all of our hearts. Lord, we know that […]

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17 June

Heavenly Father, thank You that You care for all of Your creation and all of Your children, but Lord, there are so many areas in our home and family life that are gong wrong that it seems that our whole family is about to implode.Father, I know that we have all made mistakes. I know […]

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17 June

Dear Lord, we are facing a severe drought and we plead with You to open the heavens and send rain on this dry and thirsty land. Lord, we know that You are the one that sends the rain and You are the one that can withhold the rain, but we pray that You would look […]

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