  • A.M.E - African Methodist Episcopal Church
  • A.M.E. Zion - African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
  • American Baptist Church
  • Anglican Church
  • AOG - Assemblies of God Church
  • AVC Church
  • Baptist - American Baptist Church
  • Baptist - Free Will Baptist Church
  • Baptist Church
  • Baptist Church - Others
  • Baptist Church - Southern Baptist Church
  • Bible Church
  • Catholic
  • Catholic Church
  • CE Church
  • Christian & Mission Alliance Church
  • Christian Church/DOC
  • Christian Methodist Episcopal Church/CME
  • Christian Reformed/CRC Church
  • Church of God in Christ
  • Church of God/Anderson
  • Church of God/Cleveland
  • CMA Church
  • CME Church
  • COC Church
  • COG-ANN Church
  • COG-TENN Church
  • COGIC Church
  • Congregational Church
  • CRC Church
  • DOC Church
  • EFC Church
  • ELCA Church
  • Episcopal Church
  • Evangelical Free Church
  • FS Church
  • FWB Church
  • ICCC Church
  • Inter Denominational Church
  • JF Church
  • Lutheran Church
  • Lutheran/ELCA Church
  • Lutheran/LCMS Church
  • Mennonite Church
  • Methodist Church
  • Nazarene Church
  • Non Denominational Church
  • Orthodox Church
  • Other
  • Pentecostal Church
  • Presbyterian Church
  • RCA Church
  • SA Church
  • SBC Church
  • UCC Church
  • UCCan Church
  • United Methodist Church
  • Uniting Church
  • WELS Church
  • Wesleyan Church


08 February

Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord; Praise and exalt him above all forever. Angels of the Lord, bless the Lord; You heavens, bless the Lord; All you waters above the heavens, bless the Lord. All you hosts of the Lord; bless the Lord. Sun and moon, bless the Lord; Stars of heaven, […]

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08 February

My soul proclaims your greatness, O my God, and my spirit has rejoiced in your my Saviour; For you have regarded me as your holy handmaid; henceforth all generations shall call me blessed; For you who are mighty, have done great things for me, and Holy is your Name; Your mercy is on those who […]

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08 February

Lord Jesus! You, Who in the most bitter moments of Your passion showed an ardent thirst for souls, grant that we may share in this thirst. Give us the light to grow in the knowledge of Your word and grant us strength so that, by collaborating in preaching this word at every moment of our […]

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08 February

O good and dearest Jesus, I kneel before Your face. With all my heart I ask You to place in my heart more faith, hope and charity. Give me a true sorrow for my sins and a strong will to do better With great sorrow and grief I look upon your five wounds and think […]

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08 February

BEHOLD, O good and sweetest Jesus, I cast myself upon my knees in Thy sight, and with the most fervent desire of my soul I pray and beseech Thee to impress upon my heart lively sentiments of faith, hope and charity, with true repentance for my sins and a most firm desire of amendment: whilst […]

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08 February

Look down upon me, good and gentle Jesus while before Your face I humbly kneel and, with burning soul, pray and beseech You to fix deep in my heart lively sentiments of faith, hope, and charity; true contrition for my sins, and a firm purpose of amendment. While I contemplate, with great love and tender […]

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08 February

God Our Heavenly Father, You created the world to serve humanity’s needs and to lead them to You. By our own fault we have lost the beautiful relationship which we once had with all Your creation. Help us to see that by restoring our relationship with You we will also restore it with all Your […]

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08 February

Lord, I believe in you: increase my faith. I trust in you: strengthen my trust. I love you: let me love you more and more. I am sorry for my sins: deepen my sorrow. I worship you as my first beginning, I long for you as my last end, I praise you as my constant […]

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08 February

1. I am the Lord your God; you shall not have strange gods before Me. 2. You shall not take the Name of the Lord your God in vain. 3. Remember to keep holy the Lord’s day. 4. Honor your father and your mother. 5. You shall not kill. 6. You shall not commit adultery. […]

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08 February

Gracious and Holy Father, Please give me: intellect to understand you, reason to discern you, diligence to seek you, wisdom to find you, a spirit to know you, a heart to meditate upon you, ears to hear you, eyes to to see you, a tongue to proclaim you, a way of life pleasing to you, […]

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