  • A.M.E - African Methodist Episcopal Church
  • A.M.E. Zion - African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
  • American Baptist Church
  • Anglican Church
  • AOG - Assemblies of God Church
  • AVC Church
  • Baptist - American Baptist Church
  • Baptist - Free Will Baptist Church
  • Baptist Church
  • Baptist Church - Others
  • Baptist Church - Southern Baptist Church
  • Bible Church
  • Catholic
  • Catholic Church
  • CE Church
  • Christian & Mission Alliance Church
  • Christian Church/DOC
  • Christian Methodist Episcopal Church/CME
  • Christian Reformed/CRC Church
  • Church of God in Christ
  • Church of God/Anderson
  • Church of God/Cleveland
  • CMA Church
  • CME Church
  • COC Church
  • COG-ANN Church
  • COG-TENN Church
  • COGIC Church
  • Congregational Church
  • CRC Church
  • DOC Church
  • EFC Church
  • ELCA Church
  • Episcopal Church
  • Evangelical Free Church
  • FS Church
  • FWB Church
  • ICCC Church
  • Inter Denominational Church
  • JF Church
  • Lutheran Church
  • Lutheran/ELCA Church
  • Lutheran/LCMS Church
  • Mennonite Church
  • Methodist Church
  • Nazarene Church
  • Non Denominational Church
  • Orthodox Church
  • Other
  • Pentecostal Church
  • Presbyterian Church
  • RCA Church
  • SA Church
  • SBC Church
  • UCC Church
  • UCCan Church
  • United Methodist Church
  • Uniting Church
  • WELS Church
  • Wesleyan Church


17 June

Heavenly Father, I pray that You would give me the serenity to accept the things that I am unable to change, the courage to alter the things that I can and the godly wisdom to know the difference between the two.I pray that my heart my be filled with a calm tranquillity and a peace […]

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17 June

Loving Lord, You are our steadfast Saviour and compassionate friend and I thank You for all that You have done in my life. I have not always put You first in my life, which has caused an increasing lack of Your peace and serenity in my life.Lord, I want to come back into fellowship with […]

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17 June

Father, I come before You humbly to ask that in Your grace and wisdom You would enable us to sell our home and to move to the place to which You are calling us to go. Lord I know that Jesus Christ alone is our mediator between God and man, and it concerns me that […]

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17 June

Loving Lord Jesus, You are the good Shepherd of the sheep and You are the One Who carries the little lambs in Your arms and gently cares for those that are weak and afraid. Lord, it is so hard to watch a child in distress and feel helpless to aid them, but I pray Lord, […]

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17 June

Thank You, Father, that the Lord Jesus is my serenity and my peace. Thank You, that in Him I can cast all the worries, mental stress and cares that cloud my heart into Your hands, for You have promised that You will take care of all our burdens if we will simply place all our […]

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17 June

Lord, we ask Your grace and mercy on those that find themselves in a situation where they are unable to get out of bed and function normally due to whatever reason. Father, we pray You would be very gracious to them in their sickness and ask that they may come to know You in a […]

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17 June

Dear Lord, it is to You that I always come when things are difficult of when unexpected sickness strikes. Forgive me for the many times when I have ignored You or tried to do things in my own strength, I know that my strength and help comes from the Lord alone and I ask Your […]

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17 June

Heavenly Lord, You know and understand the health difficulties that I am struggling with and the pain that I am experiencing. Thank You, that Your grace is sufficient for all my needs and thank You, that Your hand of blessing is forever upon me. Reach out Your healing hand to me, as You did in […]

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17 June

Father, Your Word reminds us, “how beautiful are the feet of those that preach the gospel of peace.” I pray that in Christ I may wear the sandals of serenity and walk the pathway of peace.Help me to be spiritually minded and to walk in a manner that is worthy of the calling to which […]

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17 June

O blessed Lord, the Father of mercies and God of all consolation, we ask you to look down with infinite pity and compassion upon this your sick servant. Remember the sharpness and weariness of his pains. Break not the bruised reed nor quench the smoking flax, but make him to hear joy and gladness, that […]

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