  • A.M.E - African Methodist Episcopal Church
  • A.M.E. Zion - African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
  • American Baptist Church
  • Anglican Church
  • AOG - Assemblies of God Church
  • AVC Church
  • Baptist - American Baptist Church
  • Baptist - Free Will Baptist Church
  • Baptist Church
  • Baptist Church - Others
  • Baptist Church - Southern Baptist Church
  • Bible Church
  • Catholic
  • Catholic Church
  • CE Church
  • Christian & Mission Alliance Church
  • Christian Church/DOC
  • Christian Methodist Episcopal Church/CME
  • Christian Reformed/CRC Church
  • Church of God in Christ
  • Church of God/Anderson
  • Church of God/Cleveland
  • CMA Church
  • CME Church
  • COC Church
  • COG-ANN Church
  • COG-TENN Church
  • COGIC Church
  • Congregational Church
  • CRC Church
  • DOC Church
  • EFC Church
  • ELCA Church
  • Episcopal Church
  • Evangelical Free Church
  • FS Church
  • FWB Church
  • ICCC Church
  • Inter Denominational Church
  • JF Church
  • Lutheran Church
  • Lutheran/ELCA Church
  • Lutheran/LCMS Church
  • Mennonite Church
  • Methodist Church
  • Nazarene Church
  • Non Denominational Church
  • Orthodox Church
  • Other
  • Pentecostal Church
  • Presbyterian Church
  • RCA Church
  • SA Church
  • SBC Church
  • UCC Church
  • UCCan Church
  • United Methodist Church
  • Uniting Church
  • WELS Church
  • Wesleyan Church


17 June

Father, we thank You that it is by Your Spirit that the strongholds of the enemy are routed and we pray that You would use our prayers and praises to seek Your will, so that the stronghold of the enemy in the lives of so many are weakened and torn down, for there are many […]

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17 June

Heavenly Father, today has been stressful from start to finish. It feels as if I have been a magnet for problems and frustration, and whatever I said or did caused problems to others and distress to me as well. Lord, I feel exhausted, frustrated, stressed out, and far from You. Father, I know that this is […]

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17 June

Loving Lord, I know that all things come from You and You hold all things together, not only in the vastness of the universe, but in my own simple life too. Help me I pray, to plan my future career carefully and wisely, and may I follow the path in my chosen career that honours […]

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17 June

Dear Heavenly Father, I am so concerned that I am now being sued and I feel so helpless and alone. Lord, I pray that You would be with me as I face this court case and ask that in Your grace, You would soon vindicate me and bring this unpleasant incident to a final and […]

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17 June

Heavenly Father, You know the concerns there are at my place of work, and the stress it is causing to me and all my colleagues, and I just want to hand it over to You, because I know that it is not Your will for any of Your children to be plagued with these sorts […]

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17 June

Heavenly Father, we lift up to you the many young people and students that are attending the colleges and universities of today with little or no knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and His gift of salvation by grace through faith in Him, that is offered and so frequently rejected. Father, we grieve that the […]

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17 June

Dear Lord, I know that my ways are not Your ways and Your perspective on my life is different from my own, and Lord at times I long to be more successful in all that I do and all that I try to achieve, not only in my personal life but also in every area […]

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17 June

Dear God, I ask You to be with me as I prepare for the most important interview of my life, so far. Please guide me as I prepare my heart and mind for this important meeting.Give me I pray, that strength and wisdom to answer the questions with integrity and wisdom and give me a […]

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17 June

Heavenly Father, we thank You that in Christ the victory over Satan, sin and death was won at the cross, and yet we know that until Christ has put every enemy under His feet, we are still engaged in spiritual warfare against the enemy of our soul. Keep us ever mindful of this truth. Lord, […]

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17 June

Father, I have come to a crossroad in my life and I am not sure which way to go. I know that if I seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, then I will be walking in Your best way for my life.Help me Lord to be wise in the decisions I make […]

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