We come to you in the name of your Son Jesus Christ. We ask for your loving Mercy and kindness toward all who suffer as a result of the Earthquake, Tsunami and aftershocks which have devastated the people of Japan.
Lord, for those who lost their lives, and those who mourn them, we ask for your loving mercy.
Lord, for those who were wounded, we ask for healing and help.
Lord, for those reaching out to the wounded, give them the supernatural graces, and the practical and economic resources they need in their efforts.
Lord, for those who are searching for the dead, assist them in their effort so that all who lost their lives in this tragedy can be buried with dignity.
We also pray also for those who were affected by this horrible disaster in Hawaii and those who are ministering to their needs.
Father, may this natural disaster and true human tragedy become an invitation for your people to enter into the ongoing mission of reaching out to all of the poor and seeing in their face and in their need the face of your Son.
During this Lent, we say “Yes” to your invitation to practice the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. May this human tragedy become for your people an occasion of grace and invitation to love.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord