This prayer “Fill Me With Your Glory” was written
by Mary Jane Hurley Brant in honor of Katie Brant in July, 2000
Dear Lord,
Fill me with your glory and your hope.
Help me to remember that without you
I can do nothing very long
But with you,
I can help further your holy plan.
Assist my spirit in remembering
That I can be instrumental and steadfast
Faithfully aiding our heavenly Mother
To nurture all of her children
Through kindness and love.
Teach me to remember what I have always known,
That I came from You and I shall return to You,
And there, within Your perpetual light,
My every tear shall dry away for I shall be with You
And those I loved so dearly here.
Guide me in Your plan to courageously and fearlessly say,
Not my will but Yours be done
Trusting always that my motivations here on earth
Are driven by Your holy will.
Show me the happiness which springs forth from having faith,
The peace and joy that forgiveness brings,
And how prayer always makes life meaningful,
Despite any fears, or losses or pain
I may be suffering in the moment.
Love me into full being so when I am born to eternal life,
I shall feel fulfilled realizing I recognized and multiplied
All the talents You gave to me
And the sweet validation and peace I may humbly claim
From listening to You, The Bridegroom of my soul.