Keep your family’s focus on the Easter season by reading
this passage from the
Gospel of Luke concerning the Resurrected Christ on Easter
Father: Christ is risen, Alleluia.
Family: He is truly risen, Alleluia.
Father: Let us pray. O God,
Thou dost increase Thy Church with an offspring
ever renewed;
enable Thy servants to reflect in daily living
the power of the mystery they have experienced
through faith.
Through Christ our Lord.
Family: Alleluia, Alleluia.
Father: Now while they were speaking these things
Jesus stood in their midst and said to them:
“Peace be to you.
It is I, fear not.”
But they, being troubled and frightened,
supposed that they saw a spirit.
And He said to them:
“Why are you troubled and why do thoughts arise in
your hearts?
See My hands and feet, that it is I myself.
Handle and see,
for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as you see
Me to have.”
And when He had said this He showed them His hands
and feet.
But while they yet believed not and wondered for
He said: “Have you here anything to eat?”
And they offered Him a piece of a broiled fish and
a honey-comb.
And when He had eaten before them,
taking the remains, He gave to them. [Luke 24:36-43]