O sweetest Jesus, Thou who camest into the world to give all souls the life of Thy grace, and who, to preserve and nourish it in them, hast willed to be at one the daily cure of their daily infirmities and their daily sustenance; we humbly beseech Thee, by Thy Heart all on fire with love for us, to pour forth upon them all Thy Divine Spirit, so that those who are unhappy in mortal sin, may turn to Thee and regain the life of grace which they have lost, and those who, through Thy gift, are already living this Divine life, may draw near daily, when they can, to Thy sacred table, whence, by means of daily Communion, they may receive daily the antidote of their daily venial sins, and may every day foster within themselves the life of grace; and being thus ever more and more purified, may come at last to the possession of that eternal life which is happiness with thee.