Loving Father, I come to Your heavenly throne-room, humbly kneeling before You in the knowledge that in and of myself I have no right to appear before Your glorious majesty, but thanks be to God that through the blood of Jesus Christ my Lord, I can confidently draw near to Your mighty throne of grace, so that I may receive grace to help in time of need and necessity. Lord, thank You that through the wonder working power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, I can live and move and have my being in Him. I pray, that I would grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus. Lord, make me willing and obedient to live a life that is pleasing to You. Help me to take every thought captive and to rest in Your unfailing love. Keep me I pray, from being squeezed into the world’s mould, but rather may I be transformed by the renewing of my mind in the likeness of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, in Whose name I pray, Amen.