Loving Father, teach me to pray like Jesus prayed, from a heart that is in union with You day by day, so that in all things I am praying into Your good and perfect will. Lord, I pray that my prayers may be a sweet incense rising to Your throne of grace, and that through my prayers Your name would be lifted up on high and glorified. Loving Lord, so many times I find that my will to pray is so weak and that my ability to pray is influenced by the desires of my own heart, which I realise may not be Your will, or could even conflict with Your good and perfect will. Teach me to pray aright. Teach me to pray into Your good and perfect will and keep me from praying fleshly prayers, that have been formed in my own heart and are not in perfect union with Your plans and purposes. Lord, at times my flesh is weak as I come to Your throne of grace in prayer. But I ask Father, that You would renew a right spirit within me and give me the power to pray in spirit and truth, in a way that is pleasing to You. Thank You for the wonderful pattern of prayer that I have in the Lord Jesus. Teach me to pray as He did, only those things that are righteous and pleasing in Your sight. I ask this in Jesus’ holy name, Amen.