Loving Lord Jesus, thank You that You are a God Who hears and answers all our prayers, even those prayers where an answer seems to be a long time in coming. Thank You, that You hear and respond to all Your children who come to you in humility of heart, not relying on our own abilities or our own worth, but only on the merit and righteousness of our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. Teach me Lord, to be patient in my prayers and to learn to wait quietly and trustingly for Your perfect timing, knowing that in all things You are teaching and training me to be more Christ-like in all my works and ways, including my praying. Lord, teach me to pray according to Your perfect will, and I pray that however long I need to wait, I ask that You would teach me to be patient in my waiting and to trust Your Word for all that You have promised. Thank You, Lord, that I am Your child and that You are my Father. Thank You that through Jesus, I can cry out, “Abba, Father,” knowing that I have full access to Your throne of grace, when I come to You in weakness and humility of heart. Thank You in Jesus’ name, Amen.