We give you praise and worship your holy name. We ascribe to You the glory and honour that is due to You, for You are our God, You alone are our Creator our Lord and our Saviour, and You alone are deserving of our worship. We worship You in the beauty of Your holiness and bow down before You in reverent praise, for You alone are worthy to receive all honour and glory and praise and blessing and worship. Your power and Your majesty is seen throughout all the world, the works of Your hand are displayed in the heavens above, in the earth beneath and in the waters under the earth. You sit enthroned in circle of the heavens as our eternal King, and Your footstool is the foundation of the earth, which You have made. We are Your people, the sheep of Your pasture, and You are our God. We worship You. You picked us up out of the miry clay and clothed us in Your own robe of righteousness. You cleansed us of our sins and will wipe away every tear from our eyes. You give strength to the weak, help to the oppressed, give food to the hungry and comfort to those that are suffering. We bless You for our creation, preservation and all the blessings of this life, but above all we worship and thank You for sending Your Son to be our propitiation, our Saviour who washed away our sins with His own blood. Words cannot express the wonder of Your love and grace, and we worship You forever and ever and ever, Amen.