Father, we thank You that the day is coming when world peace will one day flood throughout the earth, when Your Anointed Man, Christ Jesus our Lord sits upon the throne of David, and the kingdom of this world, which is currently ruled by Satan, will become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ. Praise God that You have promised world peace for all who trust in the name of the only begotten Son of God.As we see the nations of the world struggling to bring in their own brand of world peace, through political manipulations and economic pressures, give us compassion for their lack of spiritual understanding. We pray that Your Holy Spirit would convict the hearts of many men to realise that no earthly king or elected president, party rule or man-made system can ever implement the peace that the world so desires and needs. For man’s plans and purposes are based in a fallen world, faulty philosophy and a rebellious fallen angel, Satan.Praise God that in Your grace, You have purposed to bring in world peace at Your appointed time. Until then, keep us covered we pray, by Your unconditional love, and fill our hearts with the peace that passes understanding, through Jesus Christ our Lord,Amen.