Thank You, Lord, that You are my Father and I am Your child. Thank You that I have been washed clean and transferred into Your kingdom of light. Lord, I know that in this world we will have tribulation, but I thank You that You have overcome the world. Help me never to forget these important truths, even when times are tough and when difficulties and irritations seem to mount up on every side. Lord, I bring You the thing that is weighing heavily on my heart at this moment, my situation at work is becoming so difficult. I am so grateful for the job which I know was from You, and for which I thank You with all my heart, but Father I am not utilising the training and talents, with which You have equipped me, and I ask that in Your grace You would lift me out of this demoralising position and open a door so that I may pursue the career for which I have been trained. Lord, should it be Your will that I remain in this job, please give me the grace to continue on, for I know that Your grace is sufficient. Keep me ever looking to Jesus, knowing that this world is not my home, and may I be used to Your praise and glory in whatever place I find myself. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.