Dear Lord, give me I pray, a true and biblical understanding of how to live godly in Christ Jesus. I realise more and more how hateful sin is to You Father God, and I realise that I must have been hurting You by my many petty indulgences, which I now realise is sin in Your eyes. Lord, I want to develop a godly perspective and to live a righteous life that is pleasing to You, and I realise that I must forget the things that are in the past and press on to the upward call I have in Christ Jesus. Lord, I know that reverence for You is the first step to wisdom, and I pray that You would develop in me a godly fear and a humble respect for all those things that are so objectionable to the world mindset, but which is pleasing in Your sight. Give me godly wisdom I pray, to follow after that which is good and give me wise discernment to know those things that are displeasing to You, and to flee far from anything that could tempt me to sin against You.Open Your Word I pray to my understanding, and draw me ever closer to Yourself, so that like Job I can say, “I have heard of You with my ears but now You have opened my eyes to a deeper spiritual understanding of Who You truly are.” I ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.