Dear Lord, I lift up this wedding and thank You that in the beginning You designed that men and women should become one in the bond of marriage. I lift up all Christian marriages and pray that each husband and wife would remain faithful to the other, and also to You Lord, in a world where the holy bond of matrimony is so quickly being eroded away. Protect those that are married from the temptation that inevitably comes to all who are seeking to live a godly life that is pleasing to You. Keep them from developing the world’s mindset that is increasingly seeking to devalue the established laws of God with man-made alternatives. Protect the marriages of pastors and Church leaders and indeed, all Christian marriages. May they be true witnesses to the truth of Your Word not only in the wider world but in the privacy of their own homes, and may the love of the Lord Jesus be very evident in each life as they seek to grow in grace and in a knowledge of You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.