Father, I know that we are not promised wealth in Your Word, indeed Lord, as I read Scripture it appears that the Bible warns against seeking after wealth and the accumulation of wealth, and abhors all forms of dishonest practices, and yet in this world it seems that we are encouraged to seek after wealth and too often we hear preachers telling us that wealth is a sign of God’s favour, while poverty is a sign of His displeasure. Keep me Lord, from poverty and help me Lord, to be content with what You have given me and thankful in all situations in which I find myself. Keep me from becoming embroiled in the pursuit of wealth, for I know that I could all to easily be enticed into seeking after wealth at the expense of my spiritual growth. Father, I want to follow Your call to lay up treasure in heaven and not get swept into the world’s thinking, for I truly believe that unless one is very careful and wise, wealth can become a thorn in the flesh and begin to be a master instead of a servant. Keep me Lord, with my eyes heavenward, knowing that my future lies in the reward in heaven and not the wealth of this world system. Provide all I need and may I develop an attitude of gratitude for all that You have so graciously provided for me as I sojourn in this world and as I wait for that day when You will call me home to be with You for ever. Thank you in Jesus’ name, Amen.