Heavenly Father, the world is reeling from the effects of different storms and quakes and the many disasters world-wide, that can so quickly and unexpectedly shatter the lives of so many people and communities. I not only pray Lord, that You would send volunteers into places that need help to cope with the disasters that they are facing, but I ask that You would prompt Christians to hear the call and take the gospel with them into these places that have been so devastated by a disaster. Lord, I know that we live in a sinful world and that the whole of creation is groaning, as we wait for the Lord Jesus to return to set up His coming kingdom, but Father, I pray that You would use these disasters for good, by sending volunteers into such places where they may tell of the good news of Jesus Christ and bring many to faith in the Sacrifice that Christ gave on the cross to redeem all who would believe on His name. Lord hear my prayer, in Jesus’ name, Amen.