Dear Lord Jesus, how I praise and thank You for each of my children and I pray that You would give me the wisdom and grace to bring them up in the fear and nurture of the Lord Jesus. May each one come to a full and free salvation in Jesus as their Saviour, and so Lord, I place each of my children into Your safe and secure hands. Father, I ask that as they grow and develop into young adulthood, that I may teach them the things of God and that they may be quick to know You and to learn to love and trust You. And Lord, as I seek to bring up my children in the way that they should go, I ask You to develop in each one an interest in the vocation to which You will one day call them. Give me wisdom as I teach and train them, and give them a desire to understand the area of study that will one day be the vocation that You have prepared for them. May each of my children grow up know and love You and learn to listen to Your voice, and I pray that in Your grace You would gently lead them down the path that is best for them. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.