Loving Father, thank You that we are Your children and have become joint-heirs with Christ Jesus, simply because we believed on His holy name. Be with the Church Lord, for we have become united with You and are now all members of Your body. Lord, I pray that the Church of God may become one in unity with Christ and with each other, just as You Lord are in loving fellowship with the Father. May we hold to the things of this world lightly, knowing that our citizenship is in heaven. Keep us from hankering after the things of this world, but rather may we find our peace and joy and rest in You alone. Give each member a loving thankful heart and one that lives in willing submission to each other, and to You. Sanctify Your Body I pray, and wash each one of us clean with the water of the Word of God day by day, so that we may one day be presented to the Father without spot or wrinkle or any such thing. Help us Lord, to live out our lives in a way that is pleasing to You. In in Jesus’ name, Amen.