Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for bringing me safely to the beginning of this new day. Thank You for keeping me safe through the night, and I pray that today may be a day where I live and move and have my being in You. Lord, I pray that the words that come from my mouth, the thoughts that are formed in my heart and the motives behind all my actions, words and thoughts may be pleasing in Your sight and honouring to Your name.Lord, I pray that You would be both my guide and my restrainer in all I do and say today, so that my words and deeds are not a work of my own flesh but are guided by the promptings of Your Holy Spirit. Help me Lord, to walk in spirit and truth, and keep me today so that my eyes are looking to Jesus and my ears are open to Your still small voice. Oh Lord, I pray that You are glorified in all I do.Keep me I pray from all temptations, and deliver me from all the evils of the day. May today be a day when I learn more of You, so that I may grow in grace and in a knowledge of my Lord and Saviour. Help me therefore, to walk humbly before You all the days of my life. In Jesus’ name I pray,Amen.