Our Lord and Heavenly God, Who suffered and bled and died under shocking conditions and rose again into newness of life, we lay before You all the believers in Christ who for Your sake, are going through acts of hate and intolerance, that are ravaging the lives of so many Christians today, and in so many different parts of the world. Comfort with Your grace, all those who are experiencing the hatred and intolerance of their fellow men, and give them the grace and strength to face whatever evils are being perpetrated against them. Move I pray, those that are oppressing our brothers and sisters with compassion and mercy.
Let all who are suffering, know Your special closeness in all the struggles they are going through. Provide for their bodily needs, and sustain their spirit with Your heavenly grace. Fill their hearts with hope, knowing that You are with them in all things and will never leave them nor forsake them. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.