Loving Lord, I bring to you all those in the military who are serving away from their homes and families. Protect each one I pray, and keep them away from the temptations of the flesh, which can be so destructive and enticing, when they are far from home and missing their loved ones. Guard and guide each one in the decisions they make, and keep them from becoming hard and cynical in the tough training and life in which they are required to participate. Bless each one and protect their families while they are separated in the defence of their countries. Bring each one back home into the arms of their loved ones, I pray. Lord, for those that do not know You, raise up men and women and friends and strangers if necessary, to share the gospel with them. I pray that many in the military forces, both in this country and abroad, come to trust the Lord Jesus as Saviour. In Jesus’ name, Amen.