Loving Lord and Heavenly Father, I bring to You my dear husband, who is serving far from home in the military forces. Lord, it is hard for us both to have these times of separation but Father, I pray that You would guard and guide him throughout the time that we are apart. Father, as he is having to undertake this patriotic duty abroad, please watch over him and care for him as only You can. Return him home safely to his family I pray, for we all love him so much. Thank You, Lord, that my dear husband is a child of Yours and trusts You as his Saviour. May he grow in grace and in fellowship with You during this time abroad, and keep him from the unsaved scoffers who love to pour scorn on those that trust in Jesus as Saviour. Give him wisdom in all the decisions and choices he will need to make, and I pray that You would keep him from temptation during this time of separation. Also Lord, I pray that You would deliver him from any dangers that may be lurking during our time of separation. Thank You, Lord, that You have scheduled every day of our lives and that no evil can happen to him that is not permitted by You. Keep me trusting in You Lord, and be with me during our time apart. Thank You, in Jesus’ name, Amen.