Dear God, we are numb with grief because we felt that You had guided us to this home and yet now we are faced with foreclosure and we don’t know which way to turn. Lord, we want to trust You in all things and we are coming to You once more to pray Your grace over us and our home, and to ask that in Your mercy You would prevent this foreclosure. Lord we ask that You would keep us in our home, and provide for us in all things. Lord, let our trust be in You and help us to cast all our troubles and fear upon You. You have provided for us in the past and we pray that You will continue to provide for us in the future.Lord, we read about Habakkuk in the Bible who was faced with some terrible disasters, but despite all the dreadful problems he had to face, his faith remained firm and secure in You. Keep us firm Lord and be our hope in time of trouble. Help us to trust in You no matter what happens. Help us Lord, to maintain our hope and trust in You. Thank You that You have promised to be our help and strength, our defence and defender, our provider and provision. Thank You, Lord. Into Your hands we commit our home and future and ask You to carry us on eagles wings. In Jesus’ name, Amen.