Oh God, my Father, I am aching with grief as the little child that I was carrying in my womb is no more. Lord I don’t understand why this has happened and I feel numb with pain and sadness.We prayed so long for a little baby and were so full or joy when I was pregnant, but to have this happen is the most devastating blow that could have happened and my heart is breaking.I know that there is a purpose for everything that happens in our lives, but at the moment I can’t see any purpose for this pain and grief that I am facing. Help me Lord to keep trusting You, knowing that out of all evil You have purposed good.Hold me close Lord I pray, and carry me in Your arms of grace. Help me to face the future with You Lord, and to trust You to bring good out of this pain.Lord, I am going to trust You in this even though I do not understand. I am going to trust and not be afraid. Thank You, Lord, that You promised to wipe away every tear from our eyes. Into Your hands I commit my future.Amen.