Dear Father God, thank You for Your Son Jesus Christ our Saviour and for the salvation that we have received through trusting in His death on the cross and His resurrection. My heart overflows with grateful thanks and praise for His amazing sacrifice for sin.
Thank You, that He was sent to pay the price for my sins and the sins of the whole world. Lord, I simply want to live in Him and be rooted in Him. I pray that I may grow in grace, mature in the faith and to find my strength in Him.There is no greater blessing that You could have given to us than the precious life of Your only begotten Son, so that in Him we may be redeemed from death and hell and receive forgiveness of sins and everlasting life.
I pray that I may live my life in a manner that glorifies You. I just thank You, Father, for Your amazing gift of salvation, and pray that many who have not accepted Jesus as their Saviour may do so before it is too late. This I ask in His dear names sake,Amen.