Heavenly Father, just as You were the provider for Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, so I praise and thank You that You are my heavenly provider too. Lord, I thank You for the many ways that You have provided for me day by day, throughout my entire life. You have not only given me the needs and necessities of this present life but You have provided me with so many wonderful gifts, including the gift of Your only begotten Son, through Whom I have received the gift of Salvation by grace through faith in His finished work at Calvary.Lord, I pray that You will continue to bless and prosper me and my family in so many ways, not only in the provisions of this world, in health and strength and all our material needs, but also, and more most importantly, I pray that my soul may prosper, that I may grow in spirituality and in an understanding of Jesus Christ – that I may grow in wisdom and knowledge of You – that I may grow in grace and love and be a channel through whom Your love and grace will flow out to all those with whom I come in contact.Lord, You have provided me with so many blessings that I cannot count them, and although many would not understand nor value the weight of glory they contain, Your gifts to me are treasures that will last through eternity. So give me a right perspective on every area of success and prosperity. Keep me I pray, from becoming squeezed into the world’s mould. May I not view success and prosperity through the eyes of the world, but rather may I look at them through Your perfect and eternal perspective, for Your love, light, peace and joy that You have given me is better than life itself, and I praise Your holy name, my God and my King. In Jesus’ name, Amen.