Loving Heavenly Father, You have promised that the man that seeks after the Lord will be like a tree that is planted by the rivers of living water, and that they will grow and prosper and have great success. Father, I pray that I may prosper in all that I do and that Your hand would lead and guide me in the years that lie ahead. I pray that my life may bring forth fruit, spiritual fruit, thirty, sixty or even a hundredfold fruit.Lord, I pray that I may grow spiritually, grow in grace and in the knowledge of You. I pray that I may run the race of life to win the heavenly prize of the high calling which You have promised me in Christ Jesus my Lord, and that I may finish the course that you have set before me.Lord, I want to finish my life, knowing that I have lived as You would have me to live. I ask that You would teach me Your ways and help me to observe all Your decrees, that I may love as Christ loved and walk in spirit and truth, that I may owe no man anything except the debt of love – for Lord, I know that the success I desire may be packaged differently from that of the world, but Lord, it is my desire to be successful in Your eyes. Hear my prayer I ask, and make me the person You would have me be. In Jesus’ name,Amen.