Dear Lord Jesus, there seems to be so much to do as we prepare to move and so little time to get everything done, that I find that I am exhibiting what can only described as, ‘moving stress’. And Lord there is so much expense that is connected with moving, and deadlines to be met, that I am beginning to stress about the cost of this move as well. Please dear Lord, please calm my troubled mind and fill me to the brim with Your perfect peace that passes understanding. Undertake for all the many preparations that need to be made, the deadlines we have been given and all the various costs that will have to be met. Give us Your grace as we seek to undertake all that has to be done, like the evaluations, carriers, advocates and all the other little things that need to be covered. Help us not to overlook anything, but gently calm our hearts and take away all the stresses and strains of moving we pray, and may we depend on You and not on ourselves in all things. This we ask in Jesus’ name, Amen.