Lord, I have seen that so much of Christendom has strayed from the paths of righteousness, that at times I almost feel that there is no one else left that is truly seeking Your face and lifting up the name of the Lord Jesus. And yet, I am reminded that when Elijah felt equally alone and spiritually isolated that You reminded Him that there were seven thousand other faithful believers, who had not compromised their faith nor bowed the knee to Baal.Lord, forgive me for my critical spirit towards the church of today, knowing that You have many faithful saints, for You are still building Your church today, though often secretly and silently. Thank You for my brothers and sisters around the world who have kept the faith and are looking to Jesus as the author and finisher of their faith, and I pray that You would remind each one of us of the great riches and power we have in Christ and unite in us a desire to tell the good news of the gospel of grace to a lost and dying world.Birth in each of our hearts a desire to be used by You to bring about a little revival and spiritual awakening in the tiny corner of the world where You have placed us. And build up in each of our hearts a unity in the Spirit of Christ, so that we may be identified as having known Jesus, in Whose name I pray,Amen.