Father, as the shadows of evening draw across the night sky, I thank You that I am part of Your heavenly family and that throughout the world there is always someone that is lifting up their hands and heart to praise and worship You.Lord, tonight I give thanks for my brothers and sisters worldwide and lift each one up, praying that You will be all that each one needs. And Lord, as I settle down for the night and lift my hands and heart to You, I pray that You would give me and all Your children the rest and refreshment that we need in the hours of darkness so that we may be ready and prepared mentally and spiritually to face the rigours of the day.Watch over those that are sleeping, renew those that are weary, refresh those that are tired, heal those that are sick, feed those that are hungry, pity those that are affected and protect those that are in danger. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour,Amen.