Dear God, I am coming to ask You to provide me with the wife that I have longed for, for so many years, and pray that You would bring into my life a beautiful woman to be my bride, who radiates an inner beauty that comes from a heart that loves You with her whole being.Lord, You know that it is not good for any man to be alone and so You created Eve to be the unique and perfect helper for Adam. Father, I believe that You are still able to furnish anyone who seeks You with a good wife who will be a soul-mate and precious companion and lover.Lord, finding a wife is perhaps the most important thing in any man’s life and Your Word tells us that, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favour from the Lord”, I don’t want to do this on my own, and so I ask that You would lead and guide me. Give me the wisdom and insight to know which woman that You would choose for me. Help me to make the right choices and prepare me Lord, for all that lies ahead as I seek to wait patiently for the lady that I believe You have chosen for me. In Jesus’ name I pray,Amen.