Dear Lord, it is to You that I always come when things are difficult of when unexpected sickness strikes. Forgive me for the many times when I have ignored You or tried to do things in my own strength, I know that my strength and help comes from the Lord alone and I ask Your forgiveness for my careless attitude towards You in the past.Thank You, that You are always faithful, even when I prove unfaithful to You, and so I come to You with this unexpected sickness and ask Lord, that You would touch me and make me whole again. Restore my health to me I pray, and take away this unexpected illness. Lord, I do not feel well and I really don’t know what to do and so I am looking to You for help and strength, and Lord, I pray for a speedy recovery.Restore my health I pray, and may this realisation of my neglect be a catalyst to turn the eyes of my heart, the actions of my life and the motives of my mind back to Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith. May this unexpected sickness bring me back to the cross so that my fellowship with the Father may be properly restored. I have not loved You as I ought Lord, and have been living my life in rather a selfish way, but I pray that You would look graciously on me and use this as a reminder to keep my eyes firmly looking to Jesus, from this day forward and not to seek to live my life independently of You. I ask this in Jesus’ name,Amen.