Thank You, Father, for sending Your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ to come to this earth and to be born into the human race, over two thousand years ago, so that by His death and resurrection we might be able to look to Him as our Redeemer.
Lord, I believe.I believe that He took the punishment that I deserve, in His body on the cross, when He suffered and died so long ago. I accept that I am a sinner and I understand that the penalty of sin is death, eternal separation from God and all that is good and lovely, honorable and perfect.And so I thank You Father for Jesus. I thank You for the wonderful plan of salvation that includes even me, and I ask for Your forgiveness of my sins, for I confess You as My Saviour and have come to trust You as my Lord.Thank You, that the Lord Jesus Christ did all the work of salvation Himself on my behalf, and there is nothing else for me to do, except to believe in His name and receive Your free gift of grace, the everlasting gift of eternal life, which You purposed for all who trust in Jesus.Thank You, Father,Amen.