Heavenly Father, how I praise and thank You for bringing me to this important point in my life, this point of my retirement. Father, in one way I find it daunting and yet in another way it is one of the most exciting times of my life. Help me not to dread the thought of retirement but rather use it I pray, as an opportunity for me to be used in Your service, in whatever capacity You would choose, to carry out the good works, which You have prepared beforehand for me to do in Your strength and for Your glory. I pray that You would give me the wisdom to push on different doors, and allow You to open any through which You would have me to pass. I want to be in Your will and I desire to do Your purpose in my life. Keep me I pray, from trying to orchestrate a life in my retirement that is not under the shadow of Your leading and guiding. Lord, I pray that You would take whatever time I have left in this world and use it to Your praise and glory. Bring into my life Christian friends, where we can find mutual edification, but also I ask that You would bring into my path the people to whom I can witness of the Lord Jesus Christ and His saving grace. Take every day of my life, from this day forward I pray, and live Your life through me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.