Heavenly Lord and Gracious God, I want to thank You with all of my heart for the glorious plan that You purposed before the creation of the earth – that You would redeem sinful man by sending the eternal Son of God to become the prefect Son of Man, Who was willing to live a sinless life and to die a perfect death so that all who believe on His name would not be condemned but have eternal life and be made a part of God’s eternal family as His heavenly people.Thank You, that Jesus became the sinless Lamb of God, “Who takes away the sin of the world”. That You, that God the Father is reconciling the world to Himself and no longer counting our sins against any of us who believe in the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, but rather is clothing us in His own spotless robe of righteousness, as His amazing gift of grace, which is received through simply believing on His name.Thank You, for the multitudes of men and women that have received this amazing gift of grace. Thank You, that You have redeemed me along with all who were lost in sin and heading for eternal hell and everlasting separation from You, but who believed the message of salvation and trusted Christ as Saviour.Thank You, that You now look on me as if I had never sinned, simply because I was placed “In Christ” the moment I believed on Him and was received into the family of God, and made an heir of God and joint-heir with Jesus Christ Himself. Thank You that there is no condemnation on any who have trusted the finished work of Jesus on Calvary’s cross.Lord, the more I contemplate Your great grace, Your unconditional love, Your prefect righteousness and Your long-suffering faithfulness, I am overwhelmed by what You have done for me. But I thank and praise You that I have joined that mighty cloud of witnesses that have been born of the Spirit in the Church-age, as part of Christ’s body,and look forward to the day when we will all be together in Your presence for ever and ever.Amen.