I rejoice and thank You Father, that I have peace with You through our Lord Jesus Christ, and have wonderful access to Your amazing gift of grace, through simply believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You, that although I was far away from You and wallowing in my sin and disobedience, I have been brought close to You Father, through the precious blood of my Jesus Christ my Saviour. It is a thing most wonderful to know that through the cross of Christ, the hostility that I had with You Lord, has been removed. I have been reconciled back to God, and have not only become a a citizen of heaven along with all who trust in Christ Jesus and have been made a member of God’s household, but also His beloved child and joint-heir with Christ Himself. There are no words sufficient for the thanks that I give You and pray that I may worship You for ever and ever. I glorify Your wonderful name that there is now no condemnation, and that my reconciliation with God almighty is both permanent and eternal. For the wrath of God was poured out upon the innocent life of the Lord Jesus, Who took my place, so that I could be brought back into fellowship with You, and reconciled with God. Praise Your wonderful name for ever and ever and ever, Amen and Amen.